
Myroxylon balsamun

Native from Central America to north of South America.


Tropical, very hardwood.

Grain is criss-crossed.

Heartwood is reddish yellow, sapwood is pale yellow.

Average Dry Weight: 51.3 lbs/ft3 (840 kg/m3)

Janka Hardness: 2.515lbf (11.189 N)

Specific Gravity: .12, .15

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Balsam is a wood that is famous worldwide. And while its density and mechanical values can vary significantly depending on the growing conditions of any particular tree, it is generally the lightest and softest of all commercial woods, ranging from 8 to 14 pounds per cubic foot. Yet despite its softness, Balsa is technically classified as a hardwood, rather than a softwood, since it has broad leaves and is not a conifer.

Balsam has excellent sound, heat, and vibration insulating properties, and is also incredibly buoyant: in fact, “Balsa” is the Spanish word for “raft.”


Balsa wood

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Furniture frames, table slabs, boatbuilding, millwork, and turned objects.

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Ship and boat building, veneer, furniture, exterior construction, carving, turnings, and other small wood objects.

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Veneer, plywood, millwork/trim, carving, cabinetry, furniture, musical instruments (guitars and ukuleles), and other small specialty wood items.

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Exterior construction, docks, boatbuilding, interior trim, and veneer.