
Cupressus lusitanica

Southwestern Texas, Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.


Tropical medium-wood.

Grain is straight.

Redish yellow with visible rings.

Average Dry Weight: 32 lbs/ft3 (515 kg/m3)

Janka Hardness: 367.4 lbf (1641.5 N)

Specific Gravity: .42, .51

Click image to enlarge.

Baldcypress is the state tree of Louisiana and is an icon of southern swamplands. So named because the trees are deciduous (unlike most conifers), and have the peculiar trait of dropping all their needle-like leaves each winter.

The trees also develop unique aerial roots that protrude above the ground (or water) and are especially seen on trees growing in swamps. These structures are known as knees, and are sometimes harvested on a small scale and sold for woodcarving purposes.

Although not technically a cypress in the strictest sense (Cupressus genus), Baldcypress is in the Cupressaceæ family, which includes many decay-resistant woods (including cedars), and the wood is a popular choice in exterior construction applications where decay resistance is needed.


Cipres (Central America)

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Guanacaste - Click image to enlarge.


Furniture frames, table slabs, boatbuilding, millwork, and turned objects.

Teak- Click image to enlarge.


Ship and boat building, veneer, furniture, exterior construction, carving, turnings, and other small wood objects.

Balsa - Click image to enlarge.


Buoys, rafts, surfboards, model airplanes, musical instruments, packing/transport cases, core stock in sandwich laminations, and fishing lures.

Monkeypod - Click image to enlarge.


Veneer, plywood, millwork/trim, carving, cabinetry, furniture, musical instruments (guitars and ukuleles), and other small specialty wood items.